
If these Health Wednesday newsletters get published any later, we're going to have to name the feature Health Thursday. Seriously, the weekly feature is meant to be a vehicle packages the health-themed stories of the previous seven days in a convenient way for those readers with a special interest in health. [SPOILER ALERT: if you don't have it now, you will one day, either when you have children or when you discover you are descending that hill that only yesterday you were still climbing.]

In any event, we hope you find these weekly missives a welcome arrival in your box each week. That appears to be the case, as the open rate continues to increase from a level already substantially above industry average.

Before we share the latest health stories, we have a correction and some updates on this Saturday's forum on racism as a public health crisis. Although the article itself correctly identifies April 30 as the event date, our newsletter advanced the date a week. We apologize for any disappointment, inconvenience, or confusion we may have caused. As for the updates, the forum at the East Cleveland Public Library is now set to start at 10:30a and end at noon. The updated panelists are Cleveland Ward 7 Councilwoman Stephanie Howse; Tiffany Short, the director of Culture and Organizational Effectiveness at MetroHealth; Jasmin Long, MSSA, MNO, chief executive officer, Birthing Beautiful Communities; SeMia Bray, co-facilitator Black Environmental Leaders; Dr. James Brown, MD; and Vicki Dansby, cancer survivor. 

Don't forget the Minority Men's Health Fair returns Thursday, April 28 for the first time in three years, this time under the aegis of MetroHealth Hospitals. Details here.

Now, a quick list of this week's new health stories:


Be well.

As always, stay safe and thanks for reading The Real Deal Press!


R. T. Andrews

Note, if you work in the health space, and have an announcement you'd like us to include for Health Wednesday, our weekly deadline is the preceding Friday at 5p. 

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