This letter comes as a rousing endorsement of Retanio AJ. Rucker, who is currently running for election to the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court!

As a general rule our organization, Chasing Justice, Inc., seldom endorses political candidates. In this instance we felt it would be an egregious mistake not to support Magistrate Rucker’s candidacy. We believe he is the jurist the juvenile division needs.

Our organization is comprised of citizens, attorneys, and law enforcement. We believe the judicial system is in need of complete reform in order to come into compliance with the United States Constitution. Every day we see news stories of innocent persons convicted of crimes that were orchestrated by peace officers and prosecutors. Our judicial system is in dire need of persons who will respect and enforce laws and protect constitutional rights to due process. We believe Retanio AJ. Rucker is a person with the integrity, resilience, compassion, and fortitude necessary for the administration of fair and equitable justice for juveniles!

One branch of our organization is court watch. We sit in courtrooms and observe judges and magistrates. We sift through public records and court records and create reports for the public to give a good picture of judges and magistrates conduct in our courts. As we observed Retanio AJ. Rucker, in the courts we found an impartial and fair jurist who cared about the young men and women whose cases come before him. We found him stern but caring. He allocated justice fairly to each person that came before him.

Voters should support this Democratic jurist who has dedicated more than fourteen years in the juvenile court, has argued cases before the Ohio Supreme Court, and has served the community in the capacity as a defense attorney. We believe his extensive experience and background and commitment to dispensing justice wisely and equitably more than qualifies him to serve as a juvenile court judge.

Please support this qualified and distinguished candidate for Juvenile Court in both the May primary and the November election.

Mariah S. Crenshaw


Mariah S. Crenshaw is a Cleveland area social justice activist and leader of Chasing Justice LLC., which aims for better training and regulation of police officers.  

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