Memorial Day is upon us once again.

Many folks across our beautiful state will be firing up the grill for a cookout or visiting family and friends to enjoy their company on a lovely afternoon.  Others will go to a parade or fireworks in town.  Many veterans, including us, like these activities, too. 

On occasion, someone will wish us a happy Memorial Day or say, "Thank you for your service."  While we appreciate these well-intended acknowledgements, Memorial Day is not about us.  Yes, we served our country, but we came home.  Memorial Day is about those who did not.

Memorial Day is a day to honor and revere those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation.  These fallen men and women will never get to see their families, have a cookout, or attend a parade.  They died so that we can.

We understand that a long weekend offers an opportunity to be with those you love and do the things you love.  But we hope that, somewhere in between the hotdogs and parades, you take a moment to remember and thank those who died for our nation.

Armando Telles, Veteran, USMC

Connie Pillich, Veteran, USAF

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