The Friday before Memorial Day is known as “Don’t Fry Day.”

The goal is to raise awareness about the importance of protecting your skin before you head outside to go to the pool or a cookout.

“The sun has a lot of negative side effects on our skin. Sun exposure can cause skin cancer and prematurely age our skin,” explained Shilpi Khetarpal, MD, dermatologist for Cleveland Clinic. “By wearing sunscreen and protecting our skin from the sun, we can decrease the chance of developing skin cancers, such as basal cell and squamous cell, and fight some of those aging complications.”

When it comes to sunscreen, Dr. Khetarpal said look for one that has an SPF of 30 or higher. She recommends putting on your sunscreen at least 30 minutes before heading outside – even if it’s cloudy – and reapplying it every two hours.

The amount of sunscreen needed to cover most adults is enough to fill a shot glass and don’t forget to get places like your ears and feet. It’s also best to seek shade or limit your time in the sun between the peak hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Dr. Khetarpal adds you can also wear special clothing to help protect yourself from the sun’s rays. “Sun-protective clothing items, that go by UPF or ultraviolet protective factor, have specific blends of fabrics that can protect our skin from the sun,” Dr. Khetarpal said.

If you experience sunburn, Dr. Khetarpal stressed it’s important to stay indoors and avoid any further sun exposure while you heal.

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