Phillip Morris, who spent nearly three decades at Cleveland’s Plain Dealer as editorial writer and metro columnist, has packed his bags and moved to Minneapolis, where he will join The Star Tribune Media Company as opinion editor and vice president, effective July 22.

A Star Tribune statement says that Morris will be responsible for leading a team whose goal is to create, solicit and curate compelling opinion pieces, while also providing well-researched editorials that offer solutions and generate discussion in ways that benefit Minnesota.

Morris, 59, most recently was employed by the Cleveland Metropolitan School District as a communications specialist.

Twice a Pulitzer Prize finalist in the category of commentary, Morris has won a variety of awards and honors during his career, most notably being a two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist in the commentary category. Other honors include the Robert J. McGruder Diversity in Media Distinguished Leadership Award from Kent State University, the Distinguished Writing Award for Commentary from the American Society of News Editors, a Salute to Excellence Winner from the National Association of Black Journalists and multiple National Headliner Awards.

Morris began his career in journalism at The Dayton Daily News, where he served as a reporter and editorial writer. Most recently he served a leadership role in communications at the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

Morris holds a degree in journalism from Ohio Wesleyan University. He completed a Knight-Wallace Fellowship at the University of Michigan in 2012, researching the use of social media in social justice movements.

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