
We’ve posted half a dozen pieces since yesterday’s newsletter. We trust the increased quantity is to your liking. 

1. As promised, we advanced publication of this month’s Face the Competition Small and Mighty" points the way to how small local retailers can provide services that big retailers can only dream about.

2. On Election Day eve a month ago, we asked and answered the question, Who is Justin Bibb? Last night we asked and answered the question, Where is Justin Bibb? If you’re curious, find out here.

3. Myles Garrett, the hyper-talented defensive end for the Cleveland Browns, is seldom hard to find. One reason is that he’s very large. He likely seemed even bigger and more impressive than the chandelier at Play House Square last week to the pint-sized humans who came there to meet him last week. They left with a different kind of sack than the NFL’s leading sackmaster is best known for creating. Read about it here.

4. Increasingly, African Americans around the country are stepping up and stepping out to find new solutions to old problems. Read about these pioneers at work in the intersection between health care and technology.

5. CPT || Cuyahoga Politics Today ranges over a number of developments from Rep. Shontel Brown’s new committee assignments, to a deadline that will likely impact next year’s county exec race, to the November celebration of a piece of black history made right here by Jane B. Sheats.

6. And we save the most troublesome for last: what to do about the increasing embrace of toxic bigotry by a growing number of Republicans in Congress. It’s not hyperbolic to hear “First they came for the Socialists” echoing in your ears these days. Punishing the neo-Nazis who are finding a home in Congress by denying them committee assignments is like taking away the library card of someone with no interest in reading. Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene and their cohort are not in Congress to legislate. They are cultural and moral storm troopers who will use the freedom of their irresponsibility to ramp up the assault on basic norms that have been core to our best efforts to form a more perfect union.

If you have ideas what to do about that, send them to us here.


As always, thanks for reading!


R. T. Andrews