Voices For A Better Future PAC, Cleveland City Council President Blaine Griffin, and the Cleveland Clergy Coalition have joined to sponsor an informational and recruitment breakfast to boost black male involvement in the November election.

Together, they are sponsoring  the event — Brothers, Get in the Game: Amplify the Black Male Vote for the November 5, 2024 Election — tomorrow at Mt. Sinai-Friendship Baptist Church, 7510 Woodland Ave. [44104]. The breakfast is part of an initiative designed to mobilize and empower African American men to participate actively in the upcoming election.

Special guests  at the breakfast, which is free and open to the public, will be Ohio Democratic Party chair Elizabeth Walters, and Ken Martin, vice chair of the Democratic National Committee. Martin is also the longest serving chairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor-Party, the Minnesota branch of the national Democratic Party, and has achieved significant success in that role. 

The VFBF PAC campaign aims to increase voter registration, education, and turnout through grassroots efforts and community collaboration, ensuring our voices are effectively heard and represented.

The breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, August 10 at 10a. Register for the breakfast here.

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